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4 Facts About Seattle Billboard Locations

Seattle, Wash. is an impressive city, drawing a lot of tourism because of its elaborate combination of modern and metropolitan city life and the close proximity to natural mountains and forests. It’s a place with strong cultural values and progressive tendencies.

Additionally, the population of Seattle is growing, as more people decide that this combination of city traits is attractive to them and decide to live there to start families and their young personal careers.

Therefore, Seattle billboards are a good thing to examine for your marketing campaign. The city is likely not going to stop its growing any time soon, and the cultural pull for tourism is just so large that it will always be highly trafficked. But are Seattle billboards for you and your company goals?

That depends on what you want to accomplish. Additionally, that may depend on where in Seattle your billboards would be placed, as each neighborhood of Seattle has varying demographics and locations of interest to tourists or visitors.

Here, I’ll analyze a few Seattle locations for their demographics and activities that attract high quantities of people, then consider what industries might have some luck advertising in those places.

An Overview of Seattle Demographics

If you’re aiming to include a handful of Seattle billboards in your ad campaign, it doesn’t hurt to look at the overall basics of the city and its demographics first. That way, you can give a cursory look at the city as a whole and get a feel for if advertising in the city is a good idea in general.

First off, Seattle has a population of over 720,000 people, and the growth of the city doesn’t seem to show any signs of stopping.

Additionally, there are slightly more male identifying individuals in the city, with the female population consisting of 49.4%, according to the Government Census.

And while 65.8% of the population is white, it’s a city that has shown itself to be growing in diversity very quickly. This could mean that the markets in the area are going to start changing and expanding to include new niches because of these demographics. The city’s population is also 16.3% Asian.


The Northgate neighborhood could be a good place to invest in some Seattle billboards, for a handful of reasons. According to Seattle Met, it’s a very commercial area.

People are heading into Northgate all the time, shopping in big box stores. Northgate is also the home of the United States’ first “proper” mall.

Now the expanding neighborhood has changed to include apartment and housing units, in addition to being a shopping district. This means that any advertising seen in this area will likely be seen repeatedly by the same eyes, especially those who live in the area and take advantage of the convenience that comes with these nearby shopping options.

The shopping also pulls in other customers from surrounding areas, who also have the potential to come more frequently. It certainly isn’t much of a tourist attraction, but it’s a nice part of the city. Seattle billboards, specifically in Northgate, could be a good investment for long-term brand awareness and potential customer exposure.


Seattle is also experiencing some dramatic growth and change in the Interbay neighborhood. Seattle billboards would be invested in wisely here, especially because it’s an up and coming part of town.

It was once industrial, but many new businesses are opening up in the area. It’s largely turning more commercial as main campuses of large companies are being planted here, drawing in a large amount of people for work. And getting these fresh eyes onto your ads during their commute could be good for brand awareness.

According to Movia, it’s a good idea to invest in billboards that are close to workplaces, mostly because of the traffic and commute advantages that come with these areas. Not only will a large number of people see these Seattle billboards, but they’ll also see them relatively often if you invest in a longer campaign.

Roosevelt and Greenlake

These neighborhoods literally have a lake. But that isn’t the only plus to this area. While it’s a little commercial, these areas are known mainly for their focus on health and self-care, where you can take yoga classes with your friends and then sit down for a vegan lunch afterward.

Especially drawing in those who are interested in self-care and environmentally-friendly brands, this could be a good place to explore if that sounds like your industry. Those who are especially invested in this lifestyle will be repeat customers to this area, bringing the same eyes attention on your ads.


To close, it’s generally a good idea to examine what will draw potential customers in to each of these neighborhood areas. This can most easily be done by considering your target demographics and their potential interests as they relate to your brand’s products or services.

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